
Hohegrete, Germany


Hohegrete is a Christian guest house located about an hour outside of Cologne, Germany. For more information, see our FAQs and the Hohegrete website: http://www.haus-hohegrete.de/.

Travel information


By Car

The address:

Bibel- und Erholungsheim

Hohegrete MAT GmbH

57589 Pracht Germany

The signs for Hohegrete are visible from the main road, Prachter Straße. Alternatively, Grubenstrasse may be used as the destination for navigation devices.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

For those traveling by Train 

Please check www.bahn.de for connection instructions. The train station from Cologne and Siegen is Au/Sieg*. If necessary, change trains to Hohegrete stop. The Hohegrete stop is about 450 meters away from the Hohegrete site. (*In Au/Sieg there are also taxis at the train station - 5 to 10 minutes by car to Hohegrete: Taxi Thomas)

Once you have arrived at the Hohegrete station, take the footpath in either direction to get to the conference center. See map above.

a) follow the path to the left. The first turn to the right. Follow the path uphill. Keep left at the end of the street and cross the street to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk through the Hohegrete site to the round reception building.

b) follow the path to the right. At the end, cross the main road to the left to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk up the path to the building complex. Walk along the building complex to the left until you reach the round reception building on the right.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

Airport information - The nearest airports are listed below. 

Cologne/Bonn airport (60km) - https://www.koeln-bonn-airport.de/

Düsseldorf airport (118km) - https://www.dus.com/

Frankfurt airport (132km) - https://www.frankfurt-airport.com/en.html

Please contact us at +32 497 46 16 65 if you experience travel delays. Thank you!