2-9 August, 2025

near Cologne, Germany

Contact your campus leader or info@sfceurope.org for more info.

Why Connect?

CONNECT is a life-changing week of intense interaction with God and each other. As leaders from across Europe gather to learn and grow, the goal of Connect is to encourage, empower and equip those involved in student ministry. From the committed student volunteer to long-term workers, we want to share the message of the gospel more effectively within the European university environment and our own unique local contexts. The week will include worship & prayer, seminars, workshops, evening meetings, sports & games, and time to build relationships in small groups. Childcare is also provided.

Special Guest: Samuel Tricoire

Samuel is married to Priscille and they have three children. He loves developing projects and building bridges between people, especially the younger generation. He was a missionary for seven years working with children, adolescents, youth and their leaders. Today, he is the operational director for the Assemblies of God in France (ADD), pastor in the city of Amboise and a consultant-trainer in project management & productivity.


When you register, be prepared to choose only one of the following 12-hour seminars that you will attend each morning of Connect:

From Lost to Found - Navigating the Spiritual Journey of the Secular Person

Pioneering with Pizzazz: Processing the journey of planting a disciple-making movement

From Then to Now: The Formation of the Canon and How the Scripture Touches Us Now

Are you Spiritually Healthy?: Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with Jesus


A few, but not all, of the many workshop topics that will be covered in the afternoons:

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Sabbathing, How to find your Boaz? (dating), Worship Workshop, Building Life-Giving Friendships, Small group leading strategies, and many more!


Choose one 12-hour seminar from the list below.

Instructors: Rigo and Abigail Herrera

Join us for an engaging seminar based on the powerful insights of authors Don Everts and Doug Schaupp from their book I Once Was Lost. This immersive experience will guide you through the key stages of spiritual discovery, from curiosity to commitment, equipping you with practical tools for sharing faith with others. Through interactive discussions and interactive exercises, you'll explore how to walk alongside people in their spiritual journey, helping them move from a place of confusion to clarity. Whether you're a seasoned believer or young in your journey, this seminar will deepen your understanding and empower you to make a lasting impact in your community.

Rigo and abigail Herrera have served for more than 10 years in university ministry in the united states and in Spain. Currently, they are part of a team working in Granada, Spain, through a Christian Cultural Center called “Raíces” (Roots) and a church plant aimed at reaching secular spanish people. They have three children and a dog. They love making new friends, coffee, and discovering the beautiful landscapes of Spain.

From Lost to Found:

Navigating the Spiritual Journey of the Secular Person

Instructors: Jan and Eric Muzart

Are you called to be a pioneer?  Are you already pioneering?  The answers may surprise you.  Are you planting Students for Christ in a new place or in an innovative way?  If not, would you consider it?  In this seminar, we will explore what we can learn about pioneering from the apostle Paul, from university student ministry planters of the past and present, and from each other.  We will also address many of the questions that arise during the pioneering process, such as: What is our purpose for pioneering?  How do we prepare?  What are some phases of pioneering?  What procedures will help us progress?  Should we partner with the national church?  If so, how, and under what conditions? Is it possible for European workers to raise full-time financial support?  Bring your pioneering problems, perplexing questions, and propelling personal experiences to share in this highly interactive seminar.  Leave encouraged and equipped to pioneer with pizzazz!

Eric and Jan Muzart, currently based in Budapest, are ordained ministers and career missionaries with AGWM. They have been planting university student ministries and mentoring student ministry leaders since 1993, mostly in the Slavic world.  Eric was born into a French Pentecostal pastor’s family and grew up in Nice, France where he studied interior design.  He worked as a downhill ski instructor before attending Centre de Formation Biblique in Léognan.  Jan is from a small town in Ohio (USA).  She earned degrees in French and music at DePauw University and served as a student leader in a campus ministry.  Together Eric and Jan studied linguistics with SIL/Wycliffe Bible Translators and theology with Berean Bible College, Global University, and Evangel Theological Seminary (Kyiv).  Eric and Jan and their four children enjoy having double nationality and speaking Franglais.

Pioneering with Pizzazz:

Practical Planning and Problem-solving for Planting Powerful, Perpetuating Pentecostal Student Ministries 

From Then to Now:

The Formation of the Canon and How the Scripture Touches Us Now

Instructor:  Amy Anderson, Ph.D.

This course will cover the formation of the canon and other details of how the Bible came to be, as well as questions of inspiration and authority. We will also look at examples of healthy use of the scripture for both informing and forming us to be followers of Jesus.

Amy Anderson grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, USA.  While studying Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, she became active in Chi Alpha, something that God would use to change her life.  Chi Alpha is the student ministry that gave birth to Students For Christ in Europe, and her involvement eventually led to Amy coming to Germany as an assistant to the Koeshalls and then starting a new SFC group in Koeln.  After nine years pastoring university students in Germany, Amy earned an MA in New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary and then completed her PhD at the University of Birmingham, UK, in NT Textual Criticism and Palaeography.  Dr Amy taught New Testament and Ancient Greek at North Central University for 22 years and continues to teach occasional courses.  She has published four books and many articles, but the most relevant to SFC is When You Come Together: Challenging the Church to an Interactive Relationship with God, self-published, 2010, and translated into German several years later.  She is currently co-authoring a commentary on Timothy/Titus with Gordon Fee.  It will be part of a series intended for charismatic and Pentecostal pastors and leaders.

Are you Spiritually Healthy?:

Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with Jesus

Instructor: Steve and Deanne Turley, Dina Bonin

Psalm 1 describes someone who is “living the good life in the favor of God” in terms of a healthy tree: it yields fruit, its leaves grow strong and don’t fall off, and its water source is nearby. Do people look at our own lives and recognize healthy spiritual fruit and leaves? If the answer to that question is not an emphatic yes, then perhaps it’s because we’ve grown too distant from “streams of water.” Using principles found in Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and other sources, we will learn and practice ways to cultivate intimacy with Jesus, our source of Living Water, with the goal of growing in spiritual health for ourselves, for those around us, and ultimately for the Kingdom of God. Please bring your own copy of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Peter Scazzero, author) in paper (preferred) or electronic format.

Steve and Deanne Turley have been missionaries in Europe since 1991.  In 1999 they co-launched Students for Christ Belgium with Blair and Dina Bonin.  In 2018 they began serving in Zagreb, Croatia, bringing the hope of Christ to the Balkans, one of Europe’s most challenging and least-served areas.  In 2022, they were asked to serve in a US role with AGWM Partnership Development increasing the missions-sending capacity of the local church through advocacy and resources. Deanne serves as project coordinator for Missiological Resources, developing missions resources for missionaries, churches and individuals. The Turleys are now focusing back on Europe, supporting campus ministry, assisting with teams, and providing leadership development, especially in the Balkans.Together they have three children—Rachel (husband Adam), Bethany (husband Caleb), and Luke (wife Tricia)—and seven (eight in April) grandchildren.

University ministry became a part of Dina’s life as a student at Louisiana State University (LSU) where she graduated with a BA in French in preparation for moving to a francophone mission field to which God had called her during her teens. Along with her husband, Blair, she has been living in French-speaking Belgium since 1995. They helped to plant SFC-Belgium with Steve & Deanne Turley, and have been coordinating the network of SFC - Europe since 2010. More commonly known as Mom to her six children and Didi to her five granddaughters, she has almost 30 years’ experience in cross-cultural ministry all while educating her children at home. She enjoys quiet mornings, hot beverages, beautiful sunsets, and following LSU sports (Geaux Tigers!). 


Hohegrete, Germany


Hohegrete is a Christian guest house located about an hour outside of Cologne, Germany. For more information, see our FAQs and the Hohegrete website: http://www.haus-hohegrete.de/.

Travel information


By Car

The address:

Bibel- und Erholungsheim

Hohegrete MAT GmbH

57589 Pracht Germany

The signs for Hohegrete are visible from the main road, Prachter Straße. Alternatively, Grubenstrasse may be used as the destination for navigation devices.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

For those traveling by Train 

Please check www.bahn.de for connection instructions. The train station from Cologne and Siegen is Au/Sieg*. If necessary, change trains to Hohegrete stop. The Hohegrete stop is about 450 meters away from the Hohegrete site. (*In Au/Sieg there are also taxis at the train station - 5 to 10 minutes by car to Hohegrete: Taxi Thomas)

Once you have arrived at the Hohegrete station, take the footpath in either direction to get to the conference center. See map above.

a) follow the path to the left. The first turn to the right. Follow the path uphill. Keep left at the end of the street and cross the street to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk through the Hohegrete site to the round reception building.

b) follow the path to the right. At the end, cross the main road to the left to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk up the path to the building complex. Walk along the building complex to the left until you reach the round reception building on the right.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

Airport information - The nearest airports are listed below. 

Cologne/Bonn airport (60km) - https://www.koeln-bonn-airport.de/

Düsseldorf airport (118km) - https://www.dus.com/

Frankfurt airport (132km) - https://www.frankfurt-airport.com/en.html

Please contact us at +32 497 46 16 65 if you experience travel delays. Thank you!


Check back regularly for updates!

What is CONNECT?

CONNECT is a life-­changing week of intense interaction with God and each other, as leaders and students from across Europe gather together to learn and grow. The goal of Connect is to encourage and equip those involved in university student ministry at any level, so that we can share the message of the gospel more effectively within the university environment and our own local contexts. The week will include worship and prayer, seminars, workshops, evening meetings, sports and games, and time to build relationships in small groups.

Who can come to the conference?

CONNECT is for all those involved in reaching students in the university context in Europe, including short- or long-­term workers, student leaders, church volunteers, and others who have a passion to reach students with the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe that as we share our knowledge and resources and encourage one another, we will be more effective in reaching students with the message of Jesus in our diverse local environments.

Can I come for part of the time?

CONNECT is designed to give in-­depth training, with opportunities for building relationship with God and others through the various activities, services, small groups, and workshops. Participants are STRONGLY encouraged to make plans to attend ALL of CONNECT because team ­building and small­ group dynamics depend on full participation.

Can I come early or stay late?

The conference center is reserved for our group from the evening of 1 August until the morning of 9 August. Priority for early arrivals is reserved and limited to Connect planning staff and other workers who will be needed for set up. If you need to arrive early, please contact us at info@sfceurope.org so that we can ensure there is room for you before reserving an extra night on the registration form.

How much does Connect cost?

Prices for Connect cover rooms and meals beginning with the evening meal on Saturday, 2 August, and ending with breakfast on Saturday, 9 August

Full-time Students - €295

Non-students/children & youth workers - €375

Youth (11-17) - €275;    Children (3-10) - €275;    Children under 3 - €50. (Youth & children tickets are available for the families of ministry leaders in attendance.)

Registration Prices for Connect increase on 16 June 2025 by 25 EUR per person.

Registration closes on 30 June 2025.

Cancellation Policy

PLEASE NOTE THAT REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED IN FULL. DEADLINE FOR FULL PAYMENT IS 30 June 2025. Any registrations cancelled before this date may be refunded minus a €50 cancellation fee. After 30 June, refunds may only be granted on a case by case basis. Please contact us directly if you would like more information or to transfer your registration to another participant. 

How can I pay?

The preferred method of payment is a bank transfer using the information below:

Rue Hugo d’Oignies, 34
5100 NAMUR, Belgium

Frei Kirchen Bank SPAR - und Kreditbank (SKB)
Evangelisch - Freikirchlicher Gemeinden eG Friedberger Strasse 101 61350 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe

Account number (in Germany): 17915 08
IBAN (International Banking Number): DE26 5009 2100 0001 7915 08
Code BIC (Swift): GENODE51BH2

If bank transfer is not possible, contact us at info@sfceurope.org.

What is the daily schedule?

Here is a tentative daily schedule:

8:00 - 8:50 - Breakfast

9:00 - 9:20 - Morning Gathering

9:30 - 12:00 - Seminar  

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch

13:00 - 14:45 - Free time

14:45 - 15:00 - Coffee & Cookies

15:00 - 16:30 - Workshops

16:30 - 18:00 - Small Groups/Staff Meeting

18:00 - 19:00 - Dinner

19:30  - Evening Encounter (Children's program ends 21:30)

Can I sign up for more than one seminar?

Sorry, no. Participants follow their selected seminar every morning for 6 days, resulting in 10+ hours of in­-depth instruction and guided interaction.

How do I sign up for workshops?

There will be descriptions and sign-­up sheets for the workshops during on-site registration.

What is the lodging situation like?

This year’s CONNECT will be held at a Christian conference center. Most of the rooms have private bathrooms, although there are a few dorm­-style rooms with hall bathrooms. Room sizes vary between 2 and 6 people.

Is there Wi-Fi?

Yes. Free Wi-Fi is available in the lobby of the main building.

Can I room with my friend(s)?

Yes, you may mention the name of your preferred roommate in the comments section of the registration form. We will try our best to accommodate you, but please understand that there may be other circumstances that limit our ability to honor every request.

How will the meals work?

Meals are self­-serve buffet style in the cafeteria. The meals reflect the German culture of our host country, with the main meal of the day being lunchtime, and dinner being a light meal. Breakfast is often cold cuts, cheeses, bread, yogurt and muesli. Lunchtimes are hot meals with a variety of German and some international offerings. Dinner is often cold cuts, cheeses, bread and soup or salad. If the timing of the meals or type of food does not suit your needs or culture, you may want to plan on bringing snacks with you.

Is there a snack bar, café, store or chance to buy food and other supplies while at the conference?

The conference center does sell some snacks (ice cream, beverages, crackers, candy), but there is not a snack bar or café. There will be a few opportunities during the afternoon free time to catch a ride to the town nearby and go to a store or bank.

Is there an ATM at the conference center?

No, so please come with some cash in hand. We are working on an online banking app payment option, but as of right now, you will need CASH for towels/bedding rental, snacks, ice cream, swimming and laundry. There are ATM machines in the village close to the conference center, and there will be free time during the week to catch a ride to use those, if needed.

What should I bring?

Please bring something to share from your country for our TASTE OF THE NATIONS snack breaks. (2 packs of something salty or sweet would be very helpful so we don’t run out.) Also, please bring a Bible, notebook, and pen (or their electronic equivalent), and a personal mug for our coffee/tea breaks. (Connect mugs will be available for purchase until supplies run out.)

Dress is casual. You may want to prepare for rainy weather and cool temperatures at night. Don’t forget appropriate clothing for sports and swimming, towels/bedding (or cash to rent them), personal toiletries (including soap/shampoo, etc), washcloths, electric fans, and also cash for snacks, swimming, or laundry service. Other items you may wish to bring may include favorite group board games, musical instruments, toys and other items for children, etc. 

Parents of babies and toddlers: Please make sure to send everything they will need in a diaper bag (diapers, wipes, cups, bottle, special toys, blankies, extra clothing), and please label everything with child’s name (including strollers, baby carriers, etc). (Baby bed rental does not include sheets.)

Parents of grade children: Please send them each day with a water bottle & change of clothes (clearly labeled with their name). Please apply sunscreen to your child before dropping them off. We will be going outside. If they have a special toy, feel free to bring it, but please label it.

Do I need to bring sheets or towels?

You may bring your own towels and single-­sized bedding or rent these from the facility. The prices are +/- 7.50 € for bed linens (fitted sheet, duvet cover, and pillowcase) and +/-5€ for a set of towels. Baby bed rental does not include sheets.

How do I get to the conference center by train?

For those traveling by train either from the airport or another city, please check www.bahn.de for connection instructions. The train station from Cologne and Siegen is Au/Sieg*. If necessary, change trains to Hohegrete stop. The Hohegrete stop is about 450 meters away from the Hohegrete site.

(*In Au/Sieg there are also taxis at the train station - 5 to 10 minutes by car to Hohegrete: Taxi Thomas)

From Hohegrete station, take the footpath in either direction to get to the conference center:

a) follow the path to the left. The first turn to the right. Follow the path uphill. Keep left at the end of the street and cross the street to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk through the Hohegrete site to the round reception building or following the signs for SFC’s registration.

b) follow the path to the right. At the end, cross the main road to the left to get to the Hohegrete site. Walk up the path to the building complex. Walk along the building complex to the right until you reach the round reception building or following the signs for SFC’s registration.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

How do I get to the conference center by car?

Bibel- und Erholungsheim

Hohegrete MAT GmbH

57589 Pracht

We recommend using your favorite GPS or online map service for directions. The signs for Hohegrete are visible from the main road, Prachter Straße. Alternatively, Grubenstrasse may be used as the destination for navigation devices.

Please see https://haus-hohegrete.de/Ihr-Weg-zu-uns/ for more information.

Will there be translation into other languages?

We will try to the best of our ability to accommodate anyone needing interpretation in conjunction with national leaders. Please note in your registration that you would like translation and the language you prefer. Headsets provide translation for the main meetings, with personal translators filling in in other situations when possible.

Will there be any free time?

Yes! Afternoon free time is an opportunity to join in organized sports (i.e. ultimate frisbee, football, etc) or individual/family activities, such as swimming, walks, brief trips to the village, resting, etc. Parents, please note there is no childcare provided during free time.

Contact info during Connect:

Phone: +32 497 46 16 65

Email: info@sfceurope.org